Friday, April 19, 2013

Current issue in Malaysia: No Plastic Begs Campaign

Current issue in Malaysia: No Plastic Begs Campaign

Plastic bags take hundreds of years to degrade entirely, also contributing to hazardous emissions to the atmosphere whilst decomposing. In Malaysia, plastic bags and goods represent approximately 24% of the total waste, according to the experts. Even worse, plastic bags end up being littered at public places, clogging up sewage drains which could contribute to flooding. When washed out to the ocean, plastic bags could pose a risk to marine animals whether through accidental ingestion or suffocation. In Africa, the sight of littered plastic bags was so ubiquitous that a home-based industry has been developed to harvest these bags. The bags will be woven into hats, mats and even more durable bags, selling it off later on.

In my opinion the campaign "Say No to Plastic Bags" on Saturdays cuts down on my usage, that I know. It's simple, really, just bring paper bags or carry a bigger bag to fill you purchases in. Honestly I quit miss the plastic bags on that day. I use them to throw my rubbish in, as well as to double bag my organic waste in. Due to the Saturdays ban, the stock of my plastic begs has decreased. I have least of plastic begs to throw my waste in. I do buy purpose-made waste bags, but these are really expensive. Nearly RM1 per piece, if I recall correctly. And aren't they plastic as well? Are they really environmentally friendly these plastic bin bags? Admittedly, before the ban, I sometimes had more plastic bags that I knew what to do with, but I felt I was a responsible consumer who actually reused these plastic bags.

Besides I agree that shoppers now have to pay 20sen if they want the outlet that they visit on Saturdays to give them a plastic shopping bag as the money collected will be channeled to a special fund to conduct environment preservation and protection-related programmes as well as activities for consumers.As fifty percent of the collection would be channelled to charity organisations or Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO's) accordingly to the choice of the individual participating outlet while another half would be contributed to the council's Green Culture Fund (GCF).

Apparently, people should clear and apply the objectives of the campaign which to create awareness among the public on the dangers of expansive use of plastic, to reduce or minimise the plastic usage starting from shopping complexes by using recyclable shopping bags and to encourage the public from various levels to participate in environmental programme. In addition, the campaign is derived from community ideas and efforts for the benefits of the present and future generation.  In my point of view, this campaign need more room for improvement. There should be more that we can do to increase public awareness. I think many know that usage of plastic bags are not good for our environment, but they're quite ignorant and probably assume that this doesn't affect them in any direct way, but it does in the long run.

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